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Tuesday 5 April 2016

IBM Infosphere datastage - Command Line interface commands for administration

Common administering or administration tasks performed by datastage admin

1.      Managing the assets and asset migration (example exporting security assets example users and user groups)

a.      ISTOOL  à

istool is a command line interface. This is present in both client and engine tiers. The location if CLI is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Clients/istools/cli

Istool is used for managing assets, i.e. build package, send or deploy package, import/export assets etc


Istool export -security '-securityUser -userident "*" -includeRoles'

 -domain host:port -username user

 -password password -archive ExportISFSecurityRoles.isx


2.      Enable or disable product features or set/unset the product configuration properties

a.      IISADMIN à

Use iisadmin can be used to activate or deactivate an edition or feature pack. More details about iisadmin could found in below link


for example, if we want to see what features are active then we could use below command

./ -display -key*



above results indicate that qualitystage is not enabled.


3.      Administering services tier i.e. starting or stopping services

a.      Starting services

                                                    i.     First start the application server

1.      Go to /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin

2.      Run “./ start” or “./ run”

3.      run echos the output (i.e. runs in forground) and start runs in background

                                                   ii.     Then start engine service

1.      Go to /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine

2.      ./bin/uv -admin -start

                                                  iii.     Then start ASB Agent

1.      Go to /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin

2.      ./ start

b.      Shutting down or stopping services

                                                    i.     First stop the datastage engine services (Metadata Server services, DSRPC Server etc)

1.      Go to /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine

2.      ./bin/uv -admin –stop

                                                   ii.     Then stop agents

1.      Go to /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin

2.      ./ stop

                                                  iii.     Then stop application server

1.      Go to /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin

2.      ./ stop


4.      AppServerAdmin Command

a.      Run this command whenever admin user account password is changed so that new password is reflected across all the Information Server suite components configuration

5.      SessionAdmin command

a.      Use this to manage and monitor the active sessions

6.      DirectoryAdmin tool

a.      Use this to access metadata repository and user registry, and complete variety of actions on user registry including adding new user, changing password, deleting user/group, changing the user role etc..

7.      DirectoryCommand tool

a.      Similar to directoryadmin but not same. This can be used to add/delete users/groups etc

8.      Encrypt

a.      Use this command to encrypt the user credentials

9.      Orchadmin

a.      Use this command to research on dataset.
ORCHADMIN CHECK  -- Check configuration file

                         COPY, DELETE, DESCRIBE and TRUNCATE datasets

                         DUMP dataset data to readable format files

10.   What is ASB agent

a.      This is the back group process that conveys the requests from client tier to service tier.  

11.   What is dsrpcd (DSRPC Service)

a.      This service allows client tier to connect to server engine.

12.   Another very important command is “dsjob”, though administrator do not normally use this command, its very important to know and understand how dsjob works.

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