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Monday 22 January 2018

BigData - Sqoop Import exercise

In this article, we will do following
1.       Download consumer complaints dataset from
2.       Load consumer complaints dataset to a table in MySQL database
3.       Import MySQL database table into Hive using Sqoop

Download consumer complaints dataset
1.       Download consumer complaints dataset from to unix box using “wget”
2.       Then rename the file to Consumer_Complaints.csv  using
“mv "rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD" Consumer_Complaints.csv”

3.       The downloaded file is comma separated and ready for loading to MySQL table.

Load consumer complaints dataset to a table in MySQL database
1.       Connect to mysql from terminal in linux server using “mysql --user="username" –password”

2.       Type “use databasename” to use the database in which we are creating a table

3.       Create a table in MySQL using a following create table structure
create table if not exists consumer_complaints
( data_received     varchar(  10),
  product           varchar( 100),
  sub_product       varchar(  50),
  issue             varchar( 100),
  sub_issue         varchar( 100),
  narrative         varchar(5000),
  company_Public_response  varchar( 150),
  company           varchar( 100),
  state             varchar(   2),
  zipcode           varchar(  12),
  tags              varchar(  50),
  consent_provided  varchar(  20),
  submitted_channel varchar(  25),
  date_sentto_company varchar(  10),
  company_consumer_response  varchar(  150),
  timely_response   varchar(10),
  consumer_disputed varchar( 10),
  complaint_id      varchar(  50)

4.       load data local infile 'Consumer_Complaints.csv' into table consumer_complaints fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by "\"" ignore 1 lines;

Import MySQL database table into Hive using Sqoop
1.       Check connection to target database working or not using list tables
a.       List tables in the target database using “sqoop list-tables …..”

b.       Check target hive database and table exist or not

c.        As show in the above picture, I do not have a table to import therefore I will create a table using Sqoop during import
d.       sqoop import --connect "jdbc:mysql://" --username="cloudera" -password="cloudera" --table "consumer_complaints" --split-by "complaint_id" --create-hive-table --hive-database "rajendra" –hive-import

e.       Check table created in Hive

f.        Check Hive table metadata, it will be same as MySQL table metadata

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